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Bag Policy 2022 Branding_edited.png

With a goal of providing a superior music festival environment, and outstanding customer service to our fans, we also have a responsibility in providing the same standards for the levels of safety and security to everyone who enters through the gates of all Country Thunder events.   


With six festivals in North America, the well-being of our patrons has been, and always will be our top priority.    


With that in mind, and in an effort to enhance security measures at all Country Thunder Music Festivals, we adopted a new clear bag policy in the concert area starting in the 2018 Festival season.


Similarly to football stadiums and many arenas across North America, up to 14” x 14” clear plastic bags, standard one-gallon freezer bags and small clutches and purses will be permitted, while items such as backpacks, large purses, and coolers will be prohibited.


For further information on this new customer safety policy please email or call 1-866-388-0007.


As we look forward to yet another fantastic festival season, we would like to remind the world’s greatest country music fans to be safe and have fun.


Country Thunder Music Festivals is committed to providing a comfortable and relaxing entertainment experience in which you can always expect to be treated in a consistent, professional and courteous manner by all venue, security and operations personnel. The safety of our fans will always be our number one priority!


Country Thunder staff and performers have the same rights, and fans are responsible for their own behavior.  With that in mind, please remember to include this basic common-sense approach to your own Country Thunder Music Festivals code of fan conduct:


  • You are entitled to enjoy the Country Thunder experience free from disruptive or inconsiderate behaviors or unruly actions.

  • Fans may not interfere with the event and/or performers in any manner.

  • Any fan caught throwing anything at a performer or at the stage will be ejected from the festival with no refund.

  • Please refrain from using abusive language or obscene gestures.

  • Fighting, throwing objects or other behavior deemed detrimental to the experience of other guests will result in you going home early.

  • For those of you who choose to consume alcohol, please do so in a safe and responsible manner. Intervention with an intoxicated or impaired fan will be handled in a prompt and efficient manner. 

  • Please comply with requests from festival staff regarding venue operational and emergency procedures.

  • Fans may not engage in unauthorized commercial activity while on venue property.

  • In helping to maintain these high standards, Country Thunder fans are encouraged to report inappropriate behavior to festival staff. Remember: SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING.

  • Violation of the Fan Code of Conduct may result in eviction from the venue without a ticket refund.


Once again, and most importantly, be safe and have fun! 


This event may be broadcast, recorded and publicized, and you may be filmed and/or photographed as part of the audience. By your attendance, you are granting your permission to be recorded for commercial purposes and agree to the following: being filmed, videotaped or photographed by any means; full use of your name, likeness, voice and words without compensation; specifically waiving all rights of privacy and/or publicity during the videotaping or filming and release Country Thunder, LLC, its parent, affiliate and subsidiary companies, and all of their respective agents, officers, directors, owners, parents, partners, affiliates, employees and consultants from liability for loss, damage or compensation for the use of your name, likeness, voice and words; and compliance with all rules and regulations of the event.


For our international fans, please note that all ticket purchases must be placed over the phone to ensure accurate processing and delivery. Our customer service team is ready to assist you at 1-866-388-0007.​


Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully. These rules apply to all purchases made online, over the phone, or in person for all Country Thunder Music Festivals. 


Country Thunder is a rain or shine event. No refunds are provided for weather. 


You are purchasing a ticket for Country Thunder, not for a specific artist. Artists and schedule subject to change without notice.


Artist cancellation is not grounds for refund. The ticket is a revocable license for the time/date listed on the ticket.


“Management” means Country Thunder staff. Management reserves the right, without the refund of any portion of the ticket purchase price, to refuse admission or to eject any person who fails to comply with the rules of the venue, local, state/provincial or federal law or whose conduct is deemed illegal, disorderly, or offensive by Management. Persons entering the facility are subject to search for contraband.


Ticket user bears all risks of personal injury incidental to the event, whether occurring before, during or after the event.


Ticket user bears all risks, including cancellation of the event and of inclement weather.


Country Thunder is unable to oversee, guarantee, or verify any third party sales or transactions. We are not responsible for any transactions made to a contact outside of our organization, advertised business partners, or our verified resale page. We do not authorize or encourage purchases made through any unaffiliated third party. 


For your safety and peace of mind, we recommend ensuring that you are making legitimate purchases through Country Thunder, our advertised business partners, or our verified public resale page. Making a legitimate purchase as our customer allows us to oversee, verify, and protect your purchase. 


The ticket may not be used for advertising promotion (including contests and sweepstakes), or other trade purposes without the express written consent of Management.


We kindly ask you to handle your festival wristband with care. In the event of loss or theft, wristbands will not be replaced, and you will have to purchase new wristband for the price of admission. No exceptions.


Once securely fastened, wristbands cannot be loosened. If you accidentally tighten your wristband too much, we offer removal and replacement services for a fee of $20 at our Will Call booths. You must wear your wristband all weekend.


One wristband per person. Wristbands are non-transferrable.


You must wear your wristband for the entire duration of the festival.


No refunds. No exceptions.


Greetings COUNTRY THUNDER Campers!


Before heading out, and for the safety and enjoyment of everyone at this year’s festival, please take a moment to review our guidelines: â€‹


  • If you are dropping off a camper/RV for another fan, and you do not have full-event admission, you will need to purchase a Camper Drop Off pass. The person dropping off the camper/RV MUST have the name and campsite number from the registered site owner. 


  • Your campsite includes one vehicle pass, which will allow one vehicle to enter the campgrounds. A vehicle is anything with a motor, including an RV! If you are hauling a trailer, the trailer will not require a vehicle pass. If it has a steering wheel, it is considered a vehicle.


  • Campsites varry in size. Your camping unit must not exceed the size you have purchased. Should your camping unit be oversize, you MUST purchase two (2) sites side by side. Under no circumstances can items in your campsite impede on another campsite. This includes camper/RV pop-out slides. 


  • The fee charged for camping is for the campsite for the entire weekend. 


  • We do not limit the number of fans per campsite, as long as y'all fit - but you are responsible for all guests on your site. Respect your camping neighbors​​


  • Each campsite must be registered to one adult, 18 years of age or older.  This individual accepts full responsibility for the campsite. Any CT campground rules broken may mean eviction with NO REFUND, absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS.


  • Country Thunder reserves the right to move any site/camper at its discretion, at any time prior to or during the festival. Best efforts will be made to relocate you to a site near the original location, however, new placement will be at Country Thunder’s sole discretion.


  • Camping stickers must be placed on the motor vehicle belonging to the camping unit. Any vehicles / camping units without a camping sticker are subject for removal.


  • Lost or stolen camping / vehicle stickers can be replaced for a fee. Limit 1 replacement per person.


  • All vehicles will be subject to search upon entering the site. All campground occupants must wear a full-event wristband.


  • Country Thunder considers motorcycles vehicles. Should you choose to bring a motorcycle to Country Thunder, it must have the appropriate tag (primary camping vehicle sticker, or Extra Vehicle Pass). All motorcycles found without the appropriate credential will be impounded. There is no designated motorcycle parking area in any of our campgrounds or parking lots.


  • Unlicensed vehicles, campers, trailers, motorcycles are not permitted on the Country Thunder Festival sites. Country Thunder may remove these at the owner’s expense.   All unlicensed vehicles will be removed after the festival, with tow bills sent to the registered owner of the campsite via mail. 


  • No: ATVs, Golf Carts, Mopeds, Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters, Hoverboards or any other similar devices, with the exception of those permitted for handicap transportation, are allowed. Unauthorized vehicles may be impounded and Country Thunder accepts no responsibility for such vehicles, or for any damage to unauthorized vehicles.


  • A paid golf cart taxi system is available to get you around the campground area. Any unauthorized golf cart taxis will be removed and passed along to the local authorities.


  • Please keep the campground roads and driving lanes clear for emergency vehicle access at all times. Any vehicles found to be blocking the fire lane will be towed at owner’s expense. It is a non-negotiable if festival organizers or emergency crews require you to immediately move a vehicle or RV.


  • Any stunting, unsafe operation or violation with a motor vehicle is prohibited, and anyone engaging in this behavior will be reported and/or turned over to the local police.


  • Cruising or riding in the back of pickup trucks is prohibited in all camping areas.


  • Country Thunder reserves the right to dismantle and/or remove any structure, pool, dance floor, or any other item that it determines to be a safety concern for CT patrons or staff.  


  • Upholstered household furniture is not allowed in the campgrounds. If you bring any of this furniture to  the festival site, you will be fined a minimum of $300 by campground staff. Arrangements can be made to return the payment by removing the furniture. 


  • Generators will be allowed to operate between 7:00 am and Midnight. If your generator makes excessive noise and fumes it will be shut off. People with health-related issues that require generators to run all night must run “whisper mode” to not disturb other campers. Any non-compliance will result in eviction without refund. If festival organizers or emergency crew request that you turn off your generators, this request is non-negotiable.


  • The Country Thunder site is beautiful - please help us to keep it that way. Please ensure that you bring trash bags with you to the festival, pick up your trash and keep your campsite clean. Please place bags in large dumpsters that are found at the end of each camping row. Owners of trash filled sites will be subject to a fine starting at a minimum of $300 and may have renewal rights suspended. Additional trash bags are available from campground staff or at the campground office.


  • No one is permitted to enter the Country Thunder campgrounds before the official gate opening time. This includes, but is not limited to: scouting out campground layouts, grass mowing or site preparation, and setting up campsites. Any unauthorized entry prior to gate opening is considered trespassing and will result in removal from the premises, forfeiture of camping privileges, and potential legal action. Any site preparation (gras cutting, berm levelling) for remuneration is strictly prohibited. 


  • Anyone found tampering, vandalizing, stealing, or destroying any property of Country Thunder or property of any other festival goers will be turned over to the authorities for prosecution.


  • Country Thunder is not responsible for any materials misplaced, lost, damaged or stolen items or property. It is recommended that you do not bring valuable items. 


  • For your convenience showers, portable toilets, and non-potable water stations are available throughout the campground. If you cause damage to these properties or any other properties onsite you will face eviction and turned over to the authorities for prosecution.


  • We love our pets, but Country Thunder strongly recommends that you leave your pets at home. The crowds can cause distress for many animals. If you do bring a pet to Country Thunder, you are responsible for your pet. Pets must be LEASHED and kept at your campsite at all times. You are responsible for cleaning up after your pet. Please keep your pet safe and secured on your campsite. Aggressive pets are not allowed, and will be removed from the campground at the discretion of festival organizers. No pets will be allowed into the festival bowl at any time (expect approved service dogs). 


  • Everyone entering the campgrounds must have a full-event wristband on. Single day ticket holders DO NOT have access to the campgrounds.


  • If you are of legal drinking age and plan to drink alcoholic beverages, please carry your age identification (i.e. driver's license) with you at all times (even after being wrist banded), as you may be stopped and asked for identification. NO EXCEPTIONS.


  • Under Age Drinking is NOT permitted in the campgrounds or on the event grounds. Anyone found participating in, or contributing to underage drinking may be evicted from the grounds immediately without refund.


  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages, by those of legal drinking age, is allowed in your own camping area only. Alcohol consumption is prohibited on any roadways. Please drink responsibly.


  • Open flame fires are prohibited at all Country Thunder Music Festivals.


  • Other strictly prohibited Items:

    • Glass bottles or containers

    • Tiki torches

    • Fireworks

    • Cylinders or tanks of compressed air, or helium

    • Paper (Chinese) lanterns

    • Drones

    • Knives, or weapons of any kind

    • Firearms, or any types of explosives or ammunition

    • Vulgar or offensive paraphernalia

    • Illicit / illegal drugs


  • Unauthorized vending or soliciting on site is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: food, beverage, IVs, merchandise, and entertainment. Unauthorized selling of items will result in seizure of merchandise, eviction and possible prosecution. Unauthorized wrapped or sponsored vehicles may be turned away at the front gate, at the sole discretion of Country Thunder.


  • No paid live music performances or campsite parties.


  • No publicly advertised or commercialized parties or gatherings in the campground.


  • Country Thunder reserves the right to refuse admission or eject any person who is violating local, state/provincial, or federal laws, facility rules, or whose conduct is deemed illegal, disorderly, or offensive by management, without refund.


  • All patrons must be respectful of fellow festival-goers and campers. Any actions or behaviours that are detrimental to someone's festival experience may be removed from the festival site, without refund.


  • Country Thunder reserves the right to modify or add any rules at any time.


  • Tailgating is not allowed in any parking lots (Reserved, Day, ADA, Glamping,Staff and Overnight)


  • No RVs, Sleeping Units or Tents allowed in any lot at Country Thunder. Only accredited vehicles designated to be in the parking lots will be allowed to enter. Shall a vehicle without the proper accreditation to enter will be towed at the owner's expense.    


  • No person, structure, activity or vehicle should impede upon traffic flow in any parking lot. Any patrons who disagrees with an order from Country Thunder Staff, Security or Police will be subject to arrest by police and/or removal from the Country Thunder property.


  • No Blocking or saving parking spaces. 


  • No unauthorized vehicles operated within the Country Thunder parking lots or walkways; including, but not limited to: Golf Carts, Side by Sides Go-karts, mini-bikes, scooters, etc.


  • No unauthorized use of Country Thunder property


  • No commercial activity of any kind (including, but not limited to advertising, promotion, solicitation, etc. without advance, written approval by Country Thunder)


  • No sales or distribution of products, food or beverages.  Anyone selling alcohol or food will be subject to arrest by police and/or removal from the Country Thunder property.


  • It is prohibited for a person under 21 years of age to possess or consume alcohol. Anyone furnishing alcohol to minors may be subject to arrest by police and/or removal from the Country Thunder property.


  • Patrons should dispose of all trash and leave the designated area free of any debris.


  • No open flame or charcoal and Gas grills are permitted.


  • No cooking of any kind allowed in the parking lots 


  • All state and local laws, along with Country Thunder policies, are in effect in all parking lots at Country Thunder.


  • Lawn games / drinking games are prohibited.


  • Any amplified sound within the parking lots will be instructed to turn off. Any patrons who disagrees with an order from Country Thunder Staff, Security or Police will be subject to arrest by police and/or removal from the Country Thunder property.

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