We can be reached at 1.866.388.0007, Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm Central Time. You may also email us at info@countrythunder.com.
Apply to be a retail vendor at one of our US Festivals | Apply to be a food vendor at one of our US Festivals
Apply to be a retail vendor at one of our Canadian Festivals | Apply to be a food vendor at one of our Canadian Festivals
Questions? Please contact vendors@countrythunder.com.
SPONSORS & Partners
Interested in becoming a sponsor or partner? Please contact sponsors@countrythunder.com.
Interested in covering one of our events? Please fill out our application here.
Questions? Please contact media@countrythunder.com.
Interested in working with the Country Thunder team? Select an application below.
US Application Canadian Application
Interested in working as a bartender at one of our US festivals?
Please email cj@cnceventservices.com using the subject line "Bartending" and indicate which festival location you are interested in.
*PLEASE NOTE - we are unable to forward any requests to bartend at our Canadian festivals*
Interested in performing at a Country Thunder Music Festival? Please fill out our application and we'll contact you, based on availability.